• Why Move Your Child From Daycare to Kindergarten?

    If your child is currently in daycare but they are close to kindergarten age, then you might not be sure whether to move them to kindergarten at this stage. While it might seem easier to leave them in the child care setting they are used to, there are some benefits to kindergarten learning. What are they? Ease Your Child's Transition to School While daycare centres can prepare your child for school, some children still don't transition well. [Read More]

  • Three Ways Child Care Centres Build Self-Esteem in Children

    One of the many benefits of child care centres is that they help build children's self-esteem from a very young age. Notably, a confident child learns how to cope with mistakes and failure from early on and does not shy away from trying again. Besides, a child with high self-esteem is more likely to avoid peer pressure, which proves critical as they grow. However, do you wonder how child care centres build children's self-esteem? [Read More]