• Tips You Should Consider To Manage Your Childcare Expenses

    If you are a young parent, you know how costly it is to raise a young one. One of the significant expenses you'll need to handle, especially if both you and your spouse have a job, is child care. You need to ensure your child is taken care of whenever you are away, and this service will come at a cost. Usually, the costs vary depending on your location, so it's in your interest to ensure your child gets the best care at an affordable price. [Read More]

  • How to Choose a Day Care Centre for Your Child

    As your child grows, you may prefer to take him or her to a day care centre rather than leave them with a nanny. Day care centres allow children to interact in a friendly environment. Here, they grow their social, communication, creative and critical thinking skills. Besides, the day care setting prepares them for kindergarten. In this excerpt, you will learn how to choose the right day care centre for your child. [Read More]

  • What New Parents Should Know about Pre-Kindergarten Programs

    As a parent of a toddler, you likely know about pre-kindergarten programs. You, like most parents, know the basics about the programs being available to you and if there are any in your immediate area. There are several aspects of these programs that you may not know about, however, that can make a significant difference on when and how your child is enrolled. Here are a few of the key points new parents should know about the programs and how these points relate to your child. [Read More]