What New Parents Should Know about Pre-Kindergarten Programs

Posted on: 12 February 2019

As a parent of a toddler, you likely know about pre-kindergarten programs. You, like most parents, know the basics about the programs being available to you and if there are any in your immediate area. There are several aspects of these programs that you may not know about, however, that can make a significant difference on when and how your child is enrolled. Here are a few of the key points new parents should know about the programs and how these points relate to your child.

Locations of Programs

You may know that pre-kindergarten programs exist, but you may not know where the programs for your child are located. Most of the programs are located in either academic buildings that house preschool and kindergarten only or in child care centres that house other services alongside the kindergarten programs. For example, a centre may offer playgrounds and daycare services alongside the basic pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs. This means that in most areas, parents will be able to find even small early childhood programs to accommodate their child.

Age and Entry

Most programs do have an age requirement for the pre-kindergarten programs. These programs generally require that the child be 4 years old by a specific time before enrollment is allowed. For example, your child must be 4 years old on our before May 1st in order to enroll in the upcoming school year. There are some programs that limit the age of children to ages 4 and 5 as well. This means if your child will be older than 5 on May 1st, they will be placed in kindergarten or a corresponding program.

Immunisation Requirements

Each pre-kindergarten program will have an immunisation requirement for your child. This means that all required immunisations must be done prior to enrollment. You will have to show proof of the immunisations. This proof generally is in the form of a shot record from your pediatrician or from a local clinic. The records must be official and must meet the requirements for the age of your child. There are some programs that may require specific immunisations while others follow national guidelines. If your child can't have a certain immunisation due to allergies, this will need to be noted through a doctor notification along with the immunisations.

These are just a few of the key points that new parents should know about pre-kindergarten programs. If your toddler is approaching the age where these programs are a consideration, contact your local education administrative office to determine if your child is eligible. If your child has special needs, let the administrative staff know so they can help you locate programs suitable for your child's needs.
